OC Refreshers Recipes

Lychee Love!
Lychee may be a lesser know fruit but it’s actually a super fruit.
It contains the second highest amount of polyphenol antioxidants of all known fruits!
Can you get your hands on some fresh Lychees? Try this delicious refreshing beverage.
4 lychee fruits, peeled (1 for garnish)
1/4 lime
2 teaspoons honey
3 ounces vodka or gin
1 mint leaf (optional)
Mixture process:
1) Peel lychee fruits and add three to the bottom of a mixing glass. Also add 1/4 of a lime.
2) Muddle the fruit and lime together for a few seconds, then add honey, and continue to muddle until fruit is completely mashed.
3) Chill your glass with ice and water.
4) If you want to add alcohol – now toss in 3 ounces of your favorite vodka or gin. Garnish with Mint Leaf.
Stay thirsty OC lovers!